Getting involved at school.
Getting involved at school.
The educational projects promoted by AutreSens are based on the theory of Meaningful Learning.
This theory is based on 3 pillars and maintains that the question of meaning in learning is central.
Why did you decide to join AutreSens?
Member since 2017
"The idea of getting involved in the field of education made me want to join AutreSens. It all started with an informal discussion with my high school biology teacher, Marie-Pierre Chevron. During a practical session, we were discussing the concept of a humanist school, something like that presented in theThélème Abbey by Rabelais in his work Gargantua. We then linked this utopia of the school of Thélème with the Meaningful Learning which Ms Chevron has developed and 'tested' on us. Basically, it's a teaching and learning method based on giving real meaning to the theory seen in class (click here for more info). And during this discussion, it became clear to me: it's by educating children and young people that we can make a difference in the world. Admittedly, it takes time, a lot of time. But you have to start somewhere. So I started with AutreSens. I believe that Meaningful Learning can make a huge contribution to students and give them a taste for learning. My aim is never again to hear the phrase 'oh, it's all right, we're not at school', because school and life should be one and the same. Let's dare to dream.